November 26, 2018

Learning Outcome 5/6

To me MLA formatting has not been too difficult for me besides citations since there is so many different ways to cite things depending on the thing you you want to cite. Some of my typical errors included small things that could have been prevented like forgetting to put the page numbers. There was also some bigger things for example not knowing which type of citations to use when it came to different pieces of writing and knowing how to format my works cited page. “They Say, I Say” helped a lot when it came to citing quotes and explained very well how to cite different essays or papers. It also gave good examples of what not to do when you are citing things which provided things that I might have done if they told me not to do it. In class we talked a lot about how we cited things and we even went into depth about “They Say, I Say” after we read the section about citing which solidified what I read. This process that we were given to understand MLA formatting and citations really helped me become better at writing.
